How to Hammock Camp: Your Ultimate Guide to Elevated Outdoor Adventures

How to Hammock Camp: Your Ultimate Guide to Elevated Outdoor Adventures

Are you yearning for a unique outdoor experience that combines the tranquility of sleeping under the stars with the comfort of a cozy bed? Look no further than hammock camping! This trending outdoor activity has gained immense popularity among adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the ins and outs of hammock camping, from choosing the right gear to setting up camp and leaving no trace. Get ready to elevate your camping game…

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Collapsible Kayaks and Other Portable Watercraft

Collapsible Kayaks and Other Portable Watercraft

So picture this. You load up the gear, drive down a dirt road through an evergreen forest to a little backcountry lake positively brimming with fish. You throw your boat in the water, grab a cold drink and shove off into the crystal clear waters to enjoy a sunny afternoon of serenity and relaxation. There’s only one problem with this. You don’t own a boat. And why not? Because you don’t have a truck or a trailer, or a roof…

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How to Keep the Ticks Away

How to Keep the Ticks Away

I’m a field biologist, and, if you couldn’t already tell, I’m pretty passionate about the outdoors. So it goes without saying that I’m outside for work, I’m outside for leisure, I pretty much live out there. And I love it. But one thing I do NOT love is the many varieties of blood-sucking insects, particularly ticks. Ticks are probably my least favorite thing of all time. Not only are they gross, sneaky and annoying, but they can also carry with…

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The Majestic Glymur Waterfall Hike – Iceland

The Majestic Glymur Waterfall Hike – Iceland

Distance: 7.5 km round trip Time: 3-4.5 hours depending on stops Elevation: 345 meters Click here for more important trail information Have you ever seen something so beautiful that wonder and joy bubbled up inside of you and burst out in a shout of amazement? Maybe that sounds cheesy but that’s exactly what happened to me, multiple times, as I trekked along the trail to the Glymur Waterfall in Iceland last Friday. I was so excited to get the opportunity…

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Best Budget Backpacking Tents

Best Budget Backpacking Tents

Not only is a tent one of the major purchases you might be looking to make as you prepare for your backpacking adventures, but it could also be one of the largest and heaviest items you have to pack. Unfortunately, tents are no exception to the general backpacking equipment rule that the lighter it is the more expensive it is. Fortunately, there are tents out there that will fit any budget. You just have to know where to look.  To…

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Take Your Medicine – Mental Health and Nature

Take Your Medicine – Mental Health and Nature

Who knows why you get out there. Maybe it’s to have fun, to spend time with friends, to get away from the world, but have you ever thought that the reason might be something deeper? Have you ever wondered if perhaps there might be a connection between the earth and your very being? I’m not trying to sound like a hippie here, or a treehugger, although I may have a little bit of each of those inside of me, I…

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The Unforgettable Mt. Taraw – Hiking in the Philippines

The Unforgettable Mt. Taraw – Hiking in the Philippines

El Nido, Palawan. Home to some of the most stunning karst formations I had witnessed in my lifetime. And I had just paid a modest amount of Philippine Pesos for a guide to take me to the top of the tallest peak, Mt. Taraw. I’m not usually one to need a guide but I was in a strange land and the strange cliffs seemed to provide no earthly way to the top. Have you ever seen karst? The sharp limestone…

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What to Use as a Bug Spray Alternative

What to Use as a Bug Spray Alternative

Spring is coming and though I am utterly psyched about the longer days, warmer weather and the wild-flowers that it promises, there’s one thing that I’m not looking forward to. The bugs. I am lucky enough to live in an area with fewer mosquitoes than many other places in the world, but we do have them, along with horseflies, ticks and other terrible biting insects. I am outside a lot and I’ve always taken a little bit of an issue…

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Wasing 55L Internal Frame Backpack Review

Wasing 55L Internal Frame Backpack Review

If you’re a longtime backpacker, you’ve likely tried all kinds of backpacks and found something that works for you. But one thing that old and new backpackers alike are bound to realize is that backpacking packs can get expensive really fast. If you’re just getting started and want to try out some shorter trips you may want to purchase a cheaper pack before you decide that you want to really dive in and invest in your new hobby. The problem…

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Synthetic vs Down Sleeping Bags – How Do They Stack Up?

Synthetic vs Down Sleeping Bags – How Do They Stack Up?

If I’m being completely honest with you I would say that I’ve always believed down to be superior to synthetic fills in most situations. However, inspired by the recent release of Nemo’s new FeatherCore insulation which claims to be just as light and compressible as 650-fill power down I think it’s time to take a deep dive into a synthetic vs down sleeping bags. How are they different? How are they similar? Why might I want one over another? We’ve…

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